
We have been consulting a solicitor for some time now. To many of you this will seem premature. We have though been in touch with other parents in different parts of the country and know that in their cases, objections from parents have been ignored.

Should both the council and then the School Organisation Committee vote to go ahead with the proposals we hope to be in a position to take legal action. If this happens, we will want people to give statements as to the consultation process. These statements will be personal and express the author’s experience of the council’s handling of the consultation exercise.

At present, we aim to keep up the pressure on the council to LISTEN to what parents have said. It is no good them saying that only a few parents have replied. Everyone had a chance to have their say, and they should listen to those who took that opportunity. This is what happens at elections – only the votes of those who actually go out to the polling station and tick the box are considered.

If the council vote to go ahead with their proposals, this is what will happen next – statutory notices will be published and placed at the school gates; hopefully on library noticeboards and in a local paper (usually the Journal). We would then be in the FORMAL CONSULTATION PERIOD.